Monday 14 March 2011

Herbert Bayer- a contributor to the Bauhaus

Herbert Bayer joined the Bauhaus in 1925; the same year major changes took place. The main change was the Bauhaus moved from Weimar to Dessau. Also, based on the medieval hierarchy, it dropped its organization and became known as the “University of Design”. Also in 1925, the Bauhaus typography was spread throughout Europe and then to the US. This was because of the publishing of the Elemantare Typographic by Jan Tschichold that spread the understanding of such typography.

Herbert typography had several functions based on constructivist lines. His typography includes sans serif type and shapes such as squares, circles and triangles that were used in order to unify and separate elements. He also concentrated on the use of primary colours as well as extreme contrasts of type size as well as weight to create certain emphasis on elements. Also, during his work in the Bauhaus, typography without the use of capitals was introduced in which he conduced thoroughly throughout his work.

Bayer introduced typography without capitals in 1925. He designed such alphabets based on simple shapes like arcs and straight lines.  Bayer also designed another type in 1933 was known as Bayer-type and was a geometric serif typeface.

To sum up, Bayer’s type was very balanced and carefully proportioned. It was also characterized by elements such as rhythm, clarity and precision. Bayer’s work aimed at producing a typographic expression rather than making a visible language.